“if only you could see”
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Extracting fact from fiction.
There was a blanket beneath her, gloves covering her fingers, scarf around her neck, and a ski cap pulled over her head, but the cold still managed to penetrate her body. Beside her, a guy was laying down, arms supporting his head, and he only wore a ski cap. The cold never seemed to affect him. Not many things could. She sighed a bit loudly, which got his attention.
"Something wrong?" He still cared just as much, if not more than most.
"I'm pretty much wearing Eskimo clothing, and I'm still freezing, and you're just wearing a cap, so I'm pretty sure you're made of rock or something."
"Hahah, really now? Well, come here then." He stretched an arm out for her to lay on, and she settled in close to him.
"You know, with all of your whining, you were missing something pretty spectacular. Look up." She looked as if she wanted to protest with him, but he already averted his attention to the night sky. She decided to look up too, and every few minutes, a shooting star would trail through the sky.
The goggles on her face were burying into her skin. She lifted them a bit to somewhat relieve the stinging feeling.
"Follow me," a voice called out gruffly, and the girl jumped. She let go of the goggles, which snapped back on her face, causing her eyes to water. Sighing, she half jogged to catch up with the voice that beckoned her. As she rounded the corner, she ran smack into the chest of a coworker, a lanky guy who always wore a goofy smile, and kept to himself most of the time.
"Hey, you all right?" he asked, and she nodded to the floor, hiding her flushed cheeks.
"Are you headed to the Exhbition Room, too?" he asked.
"Um, yeah," she replied with an apologetic smile.
"Well let's go. I think we're gonna be some of the first ones to get to see this!"
They walked together down the hall, and entered a door on the right. A silver plaque read 'Exhibition Room', and a group of no more than ten people were gathered. Most of them were older, more experienced scientists, and the pair were learning directly from two of them, granting them the chance to see this as well.
"I hope that everyone has a pair of goggles on, because I have no spares." As he made this announcement, a single clicking sound was made, the door automatically locking, allowing no one to enter or exit. Then they headed into a smaller glass room, and the lights were shut off. Then another switch activated, and the floor beneath them began to glow, but that wasn't the amazing thing. In the air surrounding them, glowing particles moved about, emitting a pure white light. It seemed to engulf them all, and the girl swatted her hand in the air. The particles swirled about her hand, and she smiled with amazement. She looked at the guy, who, instead of pushing the lights around with his hand, inhaled through his mouth, and the girl watched as hundreds of the particles were sucked to their death.
"And what exactly are we seeing before us, Doctor?"
The mastermind simply smiled, then turned off what made the floor glow below them.
"Follow me," he said.
Another day of seminar. The forum wasn't your conventional classroom. As you walked in, you could only step down, and not up. At first, it seemed like a neat idea, until you packed at least 100 kids in there. The first couple of classes weren't that bad, voting on seminars we'd like to hear about, and then having a taurus colloquium. That was probably my favorite one, seeing as we listened to people debate over topics that were relevant to us. The seminars...only a couple of them have been interesting. One time I sat right next to the projector. The back lights were dimmed, the projector was turned on, and a girl began her seminar about gypsies. This one was pretty neat, since I learned "why" gypsies stole, or their reason behind it anyways. During some dull moments, I stared at the projector, but more interestingly, the beam of light it made, and from that part was also a fan sucking in air from the classroom. And the beam lit up dust particles flowing in the air, and they glowed brightly, hundreds of the dust particles swirling around in the beam of light, until they eventually made their way to the projector itself, and the particles were sucked in. Others trailed from the light, and disappeared as soon as that happened.
I've been writing for NaNoWriMo and motivation is slow coming. There are times when I get on my laptop with the sole intention of writing and then I get sidetracked...I wonder how far I'll actually make it? It's not like I'm busy after school, so XD
Why do I write? I'm not exactly sure, maybe because everyone needs a creative outlet and this is mine? I write for my own benefit, to put my thoughts into...what? I dunno...oh well. I'll keep writing, that's for sure.
Hahah, and it has also been a while since I've updated this thing. Next weekend is my sister's birthday. What should I get her? I have no idea..
Then next month is my birthday, it's on a Monday actually, so that's kind of balls. I have no idea what I should do for my birthday....does anyone have any ideas? XD
Oh, also when nano is over, and assuming I have either: finished my story, or written enough so that you'll at least be reading something NEW, I'll post it up here, not all at once mind you XD but in "chapters", or something like it.
hopefully i can finish my story...i should probably decide on a general path of: where do i want this to go? I'm still in need of two more character names...I figured out the other ones, which is awesome, well better than needing to think of four names haha. I'm also pretty sure I slept at least 11-12 hours, and it was greeeeat. (:
Labels: fiction junction
was it a...break through?
because we all know actions speak louder than words.
because i magnify things in my head. and i'm stubborn. and stupid.
because the way i perceive things, aren't actually at all what's really going on.
because i expect you to know what i'm thinking.
these are some reasons why i don't generally write when i'm angry. because it makes no sense to anyone else, and i don't feel like explaining what's going on, and i just want to type out these words, to get them out, habits are hard to break.
how do you go about breaking habits? let's start with chewing/peeling fingernails. it's not so much a nervous habit as it is a "okay i guess i'm bored" habit.
i don't care as much as i should, i should have washed my hair today.
i should try to be more healthy.
maybe next year i will drink only water, and indulge in an icee every so often, like once a week or once every two weeks, but maybe at least one a month. is this a good idea? i think so. i'm really proud of myself for drinking water a lot more than i normally would. i'm not sure if i've noticed any significant change in my health or body or whatever. but i don't want to completely give up drinking sodas/soda like drinks, because they taste good. haha that is such a wrong reason, but they do. and i think a reward like having an icee once every two weeks is a good thing. but i can only choose one reward, and i'm going to suppose that will be it. other than that, i'll drink water. i'll guess i will figure this out for sure by the time the new year rolls around.
i should be less stubborn.
my mom is like this. i am wondering, no doubt i got this from her? and i hate it when she's like that. no doubt people hate me when i'm insufferable. maybe not hate me, but a thing they hate ABOUT me, or just dislike, because hate is a strong word.
how do you break traits like that? become less stubborn? this is an effort that will no doubt be much harder than not drinking sodas, or not chewing your fingernails. why am i stubborn? what benefit does it have? the only benefit is if your STRONGWILLED, and not /stubborn/. stubborn is negative, strongwilled is if you are working towards something that is right, or honorable, and you don't let anyone get in your way. stubborn is if you are stupid and rachel.
so how do i become less stubborn? i need to think carefully, be very mindful of the way i respond to people. i need to keep certain things in my head, because sometimes i am stubborn AND i say/do stupid things.
i should assume less and communicate more.
i should do, say, think, act a fuckload of things/ways differently than i do now.
and i need to stop writing about it and just get to it.
Just a note?
I just got done riding my bike to school, oh my fucking god. It is like a terrible swamp outside, like I was swimming my bike to school, and not riding. And all the while, I had to make sure I stopped to get either coffee or hot chocolate, because I've been craving one of those for a while! So when I finally get to the CC's, I am sweaty and miserable and hot, and yet I still want a HOT drink. Oh man I'm nuts. Bwahaha, but this hot chocolate is yumm.
So two things that happened on my ride to school. One "good" and one "bad". As I was passing a gas station called the Hit n' Run, I noticed these two 18-wheelers trucks leaving, one for Budweiser, and one for Coors Light. I thought it was interesting that their deliveries arrived at the same time, and I wondered if they would ever be in competition with each other? So I glanced at the man who brings the boxes, and I thought about vending machine techs. I figured, "these guys must be /really/ important," because, think about it. Those snack companies, I bet they make millions of middle and high schoolers, along with us college kids. So for one reason or another, the top part of my left sandal ends up scraping on the concrete, and I'm thinking "good thing these sandals are just the right amount of "too big" or that would have been my toes scraping on the concrete." That kind of stuff makes me shudder.
So now I'm just tired because my stamina sucks, and I'm turning down the one way street, to get to the CC's/ work and school. As I'm turning, some janitors or maybe some repair people that were driving a truck with a UL emblem on it had parked, and one, when they got out, was singing, "I ain't got nothin' but love babe.." I smiled, and wanted to laugh, but then I started singing XD So that was kinda nice actually.
Also, my hand is developing these WONDERFUL callouses. one right below my middle finger, ring finger, and pinky of my left hand. Same on the right hand, but the ones on my left are much more noticeable. Stupid handlebars. I need to get some new covers anyways, because those make my hands like dirt and syrup, or some really strange smell. But not like someone is passing me by and can smell my hands. Only if I put it to your face. Also I am really glad that work is slow right now!
And I've had my second southside burger since I've moved here to Lafayette.
But there is another place, and THEY claim to have the best hamburgers in town. "Judice Inn." It's about the same size as Balls (or Ms. Burger if you remember the good days ;) not saying that Balls is bad though.) So maybe next time I will try that place out, and report to my carnivore friends how they are ;)
At work, drinking juice, and eating crackers.
It's pretty nice living on fifty cent crackers every other day. :P
I dug deep within my purse to find seventy cents. Not enough for Gardetto's, more than enough for peanut butter crackers. Yay (:
Today, it's really cold outside. I wish it would stay like this, or at least, actually be like this all the time for winter. You know, I'm gonna be nineteen soon, that fact means nothing to me. It only means one less year I have to accomplish all the things I've been thinking in my mind. I guess I'll type here what I wrote in EECE...
In Boolean Algebra, x^2 = x.
"Who am I?"
I am a girl. A girl with romnatic dreams of accomplishing nonsensical things. My pen is slowly dying, so I don't know how much you'll learn about me.
What are my dreams? To be a writer, a dreamer, a photographer; someone successful, someone whose name might appear in a scientific journal, even better, Discover. I'd like to win a Nobel prize. Who is the youngest to have won a Nobel prize?
I'd like it to be me.
But I have a feeling Delong or Neal or Scott will win Nobels before myself.
Think about it: some fleeting thought you had. You mentioned it to someone who smiled at your thoughts, and in that moment, they reveled in your dream.
Maybe you'll take that dream and write your dissertation on it (senior thesis).
"On AIs and Dreams."
AIs are meant to replicate the processes of humans. Intellectual as well as personal. Fact and fiction. Reality...and dreams?
a robot, capable of dreaming. In a dormant state (sleeping) the robots thought mechanisms...i don't know.To make a robot who is capable of dreaming...wouldn't that be great? I'll make the robot a simple cube, possibly voice activated, with the ability to answer yes or no questions. Is a robot a type of computer? (or the other way around?)
Perhaps the robot needs to be self aware.
perhaps built in wheels, for limited, but possible mobility.
how would you make a robot with the capability to dream?
maybe upload a dictionary, in binary, along with basic grammar rules. allow the robot to generate sentences at random, to best replicate the sensation of dreaming. dreams don't make any sense, therefore, could this actually work?
-And that's as far as I got. this isn't something I'm seriously considering, this is just my mind wandering as my professor is explaining something about Alexander Graham Bell. who made the first computer? and a proof table we have to fill out for Friday.
also my SCI 101 class is going to be advising us, we're going to get our advising done before the actual advising period. THEN. because i'm in honors i get priority scheduling along with jocks and whatnot. (or maybe even before them) so i am guaranteed the classes i want to take. i guess i have my schedule narrowed to six, i still don't know how many classes i should take next semester, but i have a list of the classes i'd like to take. we'll see.... (:
Ten posts away.
From the 200th.
Hehe, so much for watching a movie and going to buy popcorn for the movie. At least we went to the park today. We even walked to the park. It was nice. I brought two slices of bread for the ducks. They also have geese. And nutria. Eww. ):
But the fountain is nice and walking around is nice. And seeing lots of people enjoy the park was nice.
Tomorrow we will be cleaning and putting up my posters and putting clothes on hangers. (:
yeah I don't really have much to say about today, it was a really slow day because I didn't have any school, and on top of that didn't do anything till about seven or eight and that's when we went to the park..
just so you guys know, bean dip is really good.
with olives and cheese and tomatoes and beans.
recently i have decided that tomatoes aren't half bad. i can't remember if i've already said this, but i like tomatoes now, or don't mind them on things. i'm not gonna eat one by itself, but with sandwiches and whatnot. oh yeah.
(also adam is trying to pull down corey's shorts, i guess this relationship is doomed.)
A few things I have noticed?
Or just really one thing I wanted to point out. Ever since my first day of my EECE class, I was sure I knew a person that my professor reminded me of. His name is Dr. Robert Henry, really nice guy. And so every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I'd stare at him and try to think: who does he remind me of? First thought was Dr. Micelle, but he is neither old, nor John Wayne buff. And so my dilemma continued.
Then it hit me. His voice. His not so funny jokes. MR. MORAS.
Okay, so my professor isn't incompetent. He's a doctor, after all. BUT HIS VOICE, oh god his voice, I am just reminded of Mr. Moras through and through.
Today we were going through a problem, and he wanted to label certain parts of it. He was presenting on a power point, and projecting it onto a screen. He already has chalk in his hand, and he's like, "Well I can't write on this, heheh," pretending to write on the projection screen with his freaking chalk. And THAT's when it hit me, that it was Mr. Moras he was reminding me of.
I'm glad I finally figured this out, it was really bugging me. XD