“if only you could see”
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solar flares.
So...what do you think of something like an
old mustang convertible?Gonna be spending some time at Adam's mom's house...sounds good to me (:
Today was a good day until English, where we were doomed to write another essay. And we have another one for tomorrow as well.
I'm really bad at analyzing excerpts from stories. Really.
Your wistful heart.
How should I begin? She held one of the strings attached to your heart. The thin, red cord, she never knew why it was in her hand, but it was there. She followed hopelessly after your every move, but she also felt the longing felt by you. Never would she let go. Until one day...
Could I say curiosity killed the cat without giving too much away? She only wondered for a second what would happen, and that was one second too many. She let the cord slip between her fingers, and drift towards the ground. As it hit the floor, a pounding when through her chest, and he finally looked back on her. His face was one of dismay; why did she do that? His face was drained of all color as he slowly pull the cord back to him. She watched as her end of the string grew black, and slowly crept along until it would reach his heart. She tried running to him, and taking the string back, but it was already too late. Her vision blurred as her eyes filled with water. The only thing she ever knew was gone. Long gone.
Labels: fiction junction
An other kind of tired
So I'm barely keeping my eyes open to read, and even more doing so typing this post. My necks hurts from sitting so close and such bad posture, and I'm pretty sure I need new glasses because all the things I couldn't see, then could, can I no longer see. Today was such a day. A long, six hour work, hour or so, freak out day. The back of my throat hurts and only when I swallow, and also I noticed just know, moving my tongue a certain way thats putting pressure back there. My eyes are drained of what you may call tears, and my hands are weary. Most people AKA normal people use their thumb to press the space bar, and I space with my index. I learned to type in such a strange fashion, it has nothing to do with the home keys. It's probably because I learned a faster way at stabbing these keys. I need to take a shower. And I just realized I have no idea when I'm supposed to go in to work tomorrow.
I really don't feel like going to work.
I'm not even sure why I'm still up right now.
By the yearbook, seven years, by the memory, six - You signed my yearbook. I don't even remember knowing you back then, but I will always remember having choir with you. :P
Four school years - You were the unfortunate end of a prank call. Luckily it probably didn't affect you much except for having a crazed girl buzzing around you all night at that dance.
Roughly three years - We always saw you, and you always saw us. We never approached each other. We knew you by "the tall sweaty guy." What a thing to remember. An introduction through a friend, who insisted on us being your friends. What a wonderful day. (:
Three school years - Where did this come from? I offered you some pop tart.
Just this weekend - A slightly skeptical approach to an email about car insurance. Turns out you dig the way I write. That's always a good thing to hear and makes someone feel good (:
Most recent - It was like running into an invisible wall. But instead of a wall, the arms of a stranger. Running so fast you didn't realize where you were until you were there. It was strange how it happened: a lift of the hand. Was that a wave? Why am I doing that? A bright smile, just as I would have given to anyone else. An introduction, but already knowing the name. A meeting through friends.
Today McNeese chem students provided us with a mini forensics lab setup. Universal indicator was used, and guess what? Good 'ole pal Phenol. Unfortunately we didn't get to do the "blood" one, which was the one I looked most forward too. But the Organic Chem professor was there and he just has coolest accent.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
There once was a girl named ______. She spilled her thoughts on white paper, they turned to blotches and made no sense. With time those blotches faded, revealing the meaning behind all the words she's ever said. Simple tricks with smoke and mirrors and a sleight of hand that revealed your mind's inner workings. she took those precious thoughts with pure intentions, but you miss them don't you? ______ didn't count on this. And so she locked those secrets away forever, for herself to peer at once in a while, only to find they withered away and she set them free on the wind. And now every chance she gets, she hopes to cover each blank spot on the pages of unknown books to make a mark of her own in hopes of reconciling what she's done to you.
It was the end. People fled for fear of the unknown. Plants that once lived in harmony with the world struggled to survive, growing ever quickly, their vines sprouting in every direction, choking the life out of everything. In the middle of the dusty road, I picked up a scrap of the sky in hopes we could fly. You held a piece of the sun and your face shone with its light. You believed we could change the world, together. You took my hand and together we ran for miles without stopping. No time for rest, you said, or the vines would wrap around our feet, and take us for their own. My legs burned, and sweat dripped down your face, but you showed no signs of stopping. Did you even know where you were heading? I often doubted you, but you showed no signs of being uncertain.
Labels: fiction junction
Please leave; we're very sorry what we've done to you.
Was it an extreme message of what pollution could do to our world? I know the majority of it was fantasy (aka all of it), but what they dealt with was like a terrifying possibility to evolution of the world around. The reason why we must take ALL of our antibiotics after we feel better is because the illness could come back and be immune to the pills we dreadfully swallow. So doesn't it make sense that eventually the world could fight back on pollution, or even worse, take in what "nourishment" it gets from the toxic waste, and use it as life support, turn into spores and poison the humans as we once poisoned them? Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind bore this message to me: only once when the plants were watered with the pure water deep beneath the earth would the once terrifying spores make the air the cleanest you'd ever breathe. We abuse our rights to use fire: in small amounts it protected the valley of the wind, but when abused it destroyed their forest that protected them from the toxic jungle.
The kindess of Princess Nausicaa was enough to calm the rage of the insects born to protect the purity of the underneath of the forest, but in a more realistic society, things wouldn't work out as nicely. How I wish they would.
I could say something about the ignorance of others, but I can't do so without someone pointing the finger back at me, or just making my faults magnified because I complain as if I were free of fault. The movie wasn't cute like Totoro, it was serious throughout the whole thing, except for maybe the cute little fox squirrel...
Blue was a popular color for this movie, but I think it worked well nonetheless...
I think if I could have a glider like hers, that'd pretty much be the best thing ever.
Gblogs, and April Fool's Day
So it turns out those sneaky kids/geniuses from Dinosaur comics, questionable content, and mr. randall have played a most amusing april fool's day joke. It's actually pretty neat I think since I was trying to get my daily dose of scientific humor but I'm greeted by cupcake science, and trying to go back to the dinosaur era actually brought me to mr randall. Nice one (:
In other news math state is tomorrow. For everyone who doesn't know, it's only the BEST thing ever besides nutella and national convention. Three days of math in Baton Rouge + laser tag and being excused from school. That's my kind of week (:
I still need to pack and or do other things such as laundry before packing, shoving in a few electronic goods in the form of digital photography and console gaming. I also need....what else do I need? Lots of things. Usually now when I'm typing here I feel as if I don't have anything new to say along the lines of what people didn't already hear earlier today at school which is probably why I feel the need to post stories. Or maybe ...I don't know.
I really enjoy writing my stories though whether or not many people read them. I wish I had one to write here right now but I don't. Unless I pull something out my ass and maybe make that work.
I suppose there are a lot of things going on this week and those things have been stressing other people but I personally don't feel a lot or any of this weight. So it makes me feel bad that I don't feel so bogged down about everything but I'm kind of glad because I'll be able to enjoy myself. I certainly don't mind lending an ear to anyone that needs it, either.
I kind of wish I had my own car now because like Harrison there's nothing like personal freedom and I would like my freedom to come in the form of not being a gas guzzler because sixty dollars a week is definitely not 25 for three. And I'm sure enough of you have heard me say that at least ten times now.
You've once said that you felt like a burden or weight on society...I don't believe that this is true. I think you're putting too much of a burden on yourself and you're not letting yourself how well you're really doing despite all of your circumstances. You've probably found me to be something less favorable these past few days and I want to let you know that I'm sorry, sorry that things aren't what they seem to you, and sorry that it affects you in that way. I would never do anything to hurt you like that, and I wish you could see that a little easier, without burdening yourself or hiding your true feelings. I always say that I'd wish you could talk to me more about these kinds of things, but maybe the reason why you don't is you find me utterly unapproachable, and I just have to say: I can see why you would feel that way. I'm stubborn, easy to get angry, and you have noticed this in the past. So keeping this in mind, why would you want to talk to someone who's only going to yell at you or ignore you?
Nothing has happened and nothing will happen. I'm with you because I love you, and if I wanted it any other way, well, you know. We don't exactly have the same interests when it comes to hanging out with friends, or extracurriculars but...you make me feel safe and even if I do get mad at you, I can't stay mad long (mostly because it's wrong for me to be mad at you over something stupid) but even when the few mistakes have been yours, you were always true to me..It must be hard to be with someone who pulls away at the slightest inconvenience, and for that, you have a lot of patience for me.
I've discovered flip animation mode on my digital camera. The name is misleading to me, because it's simply a mode to help one create stop motion movies. yessssss. This is a pretty cool tool that I'm doing very horribly at but there's a really awesome stop motion video on youtube that I like a lot made by a guy and a whiteboard. Another one that you might be familiar with are the coinstar commercials with the coins building the high heels or the set of headphones. If I knew how to edit out things like hands, I could make something awesome with clay figures maybe. Probably not because I can't sculpt for shit.
Words of advice: beware the crows that land on your car.